News & Media

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 items
  • News & Media

    Czech version of the Platina Manual published - Good Practices in Sustainable Waterway Planning

    Brno, 14 November 2011. The recent publication of a Czech version of the PLATINA Manual is a major step in promoting good practices in inland navigation and waterway planning. The translated manual was presented in the framework of the PLATINA Interactive Conference and Workshop held in Brussels on 15th November 2011. It can be downloaded from a link provided below.

  • News & Media

    Keynote lecture on watershed science and policy

    A Workshop sponsored by the SIUC IGERT Program in Watershed Science & Policy and the Global Media Research Center streamed live on on November 7th, 2011.

  • News & Media

    Inland waterways comes together to address differences

    Brussels, 15 November 2011. A groundbreaking conference in Brussels has seen two traditionally opposing waterways groups come together to discuss how to co-operate for the benefit of Europe’s rivers and canals.

  • News & Media

    Workshop on Educational Initiatives - Report full of inspiration available now

    Belgrade, 29 June 2012. This year's Danube Day, the ICPDR gathered some 25 representatives from ministries, NGOs, schools and other educational institutions on a ship travelling from Belgrade to Vienna. Their mission: finding new ways to communicate water management issues to young people. The closing report is now ready for download.

  • News & Media

    Romanian Students Win Art Master 2006

    Vienna, 11 December 2006. “Two young Romanians have won the ‘International Danube Art Master 2006’ competition, for their creation titled ‘The Danube Flows Through Us’’, announced Philip Weller, Executive Secretary of the ICPDR today. Mr. Weller made the announcement at the Annual Meeting of the Delegations to the ICPDR being held at the Vienna International Centre.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2006 celebrated by thirteen countries

    Danube Basin, 29 June 2006. A series of events have been planned for the celebration of the third Danube Day, 29 June, to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the Danube River Protection Convention in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1994. Danube Day 2006 follows the slogan DANUBE: RIVER OF LIFE.