
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 13 items
  • News & Media

    New Guidance Document on Tackling Riverine Plastic Pollution

    Addressing transboundary riverine litter pollution demands a multifaceted strategy, incorporating harmonized actions, standardized measurements, advanced waste management techniques, and heightened awareness on an international scale.
    Our new publication fills a critical gap, emphasizing the need for regulatory frameworks to establish effective waste management systems and deter illegal waste disposal.

  • News & Media 10 May 2023

    From the Source to the Sea: The TID(Y)UP Project Aims to Eliminate Plastic Pollution in Rivers

    Despite the EU's advanced waste management and ambitious recycling objectives, studies still indicate the presence of macro and microplastic pollution in EU rivers. The Tid(y)Up project focuses on improving water quality and reducing plastic pollution in the Tisza River, which is long considered one of Europe’s most heavily contaminated rivers.

  • News & Media

    How do you take a scientific selfie of an International River? ICPDR Participates at Austria-wide Long Night of Research

    On 20th May 2022, the ICPDR along with other UN-based organizations, including CTBTO, IAEA, IOM, UNIDO, UNODA and UNODC, participated in this year’s “Long Night of Research” (“Lange Nacht der Forschung”) Austria’s biggest science event for the public.

  • News & Media

    High Level Conference for the Protection of Sturgeons hosted under the Austrian Presidency of the EU

    Vienna, 10 July 2018 (Press Release) - An international event took place on 9th and 10th July in Vienna within the framework of the Austrian Presidency of the EU. In attendance were 50 experts from national administrations, EU and international institutions, academia and NGO representatives, who can all potentially provide the long-term framework of action indispensable for the conservation of sturgeon stocks in Europe.

  • News & Media

    Sava Youth Parliament 2017

    On 2-3 June 2017 the sixth Youth Parliament of the Sava River Basin competition was held in Belgrade (Serbia). The motto for this year’s competition was “The Impact of Climate Change on the Lives of the Sava River Basin”. 60 students and teachers from nine secondary schools from the Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina attended. The Sava Commission is an observer of the ICPDR.

  • News & Media

    SEE River project coming to end: report available

    Vienna, 24 October 2014. The final event of the SEE River Project will be integrated with next week's 6th European River Restoration Conference at Vienna’s TechGate. The final publication of SEE River is available in print and for download. The project has lasted from October 2012 until now.

  • News & Media

    Worst Floods in the Balkans for Decades

    Western Balkans, 19 May 2014 (updated 27 May). Resulting from the most intensive rain in a century, the worst floods in the Balkans for decades caused more than 40 dead and forced tens of thousands of people to leave their homes.

  • News & Media

    Sava Day 2013

    Sava Basin, 1 June 2013. The International Sava Day is celebrated today in the Sava sub-basin, opening June as the "month of rivers". Events will be organised in all countries of the Sava Basin and will range from cycling tours to the Sava Youth Parliament and other educational events.

  • News & Media

    Austria takes over ICPDR Presidency

    Vienna, 18 January 2012. In the framework of a ceremony held in Vienna today, Austria took over the presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The former President, Mykola Melenevskyi of Ukraine, passes his office on to Wolfgang Stalzer of Austria.

  • News & Media

    Joint Danube Delta Survey (JDDS) ready to start

    Danube Delta, 26 September 2011. A detailed analysis and assessment of the Danube Delta will be held within the project "Joint environmental monitoring, assessment and exchange of information for integrated management of the Danube delta region" from 26 September until l 7 October 2011.