JOINTISZA – Strengthening Cooperation between River Basin Management Planning and Flood Risk Prevention to Enhance the Status of Waters of the Tisza River Basin
Over-exploitation of water resources, water regime modifications, water contamination, and a growing number of flood events – negative effects of which are amplified by climate change – are all issues that require harmonised, integrated actions from management authorities in countries that share river basins.

The JOINTISZA project ensured that flood risk management planning became more deeply embedded in the River Basin Management planning process, and also facilitated the involvement of interested stakeholders and relevant sectors (e.g. flood risk, water resource, urban hydrology and drought management). A long-term goal that the project achieved was generating momentum for improved implementation of the Floods Directive and Water Framework Directive, targeting four specific groups: national water administrations, water research institutes, international organisations, and other interested stakeholders (and NGOs).
The ICPDR ensured the utilisation of the already existing DanubeGIS system, and facilitated the expansion of the database with information about tributaries of the Tisza River Basin larger than 1000m². The project results reflect joint efforts of the five countries that share the Tisza River Basin – Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The main output of the project is an updated final draft of the Integrated Tisza RBM Plan, which also includes the primary aspects of the Floods Directive.
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)
Project Budget: 2,254,126.80 €
For more information, please visit the official project website