How to be an ICPDR Observer?

The dialogue with stakeholders is important for the success of integrated river basin management in the Danube River Basin. It is therefore in the ICPDR's interest that all stakeholder groups with basin-wide interest be involved in the work of the ICPDR.
Why become an observer?
The formal cooperation with the ICPDR grants observers the right to participate in ICPDR decision-making meetings and Expert Group meetings. This active way of cooperation has proven to be successful in ensuring that different aspects and approaches could influence and shape the current water management in the Danube River Basin.
The WFD & Commitment to Public Participation
The requirements of the EU's Water Framework Directive (WFD) iand Floods Directive (FD) included emphasized focus on the importance of public participation. The ICPDR today continues to review its ongoing practice, and now has a well-established public participation approach.
The ICPDR has also developed a communication and public participation strategy. Based on the WFD (Art 14), ad the DF (Art 6 and 9) the objectives of this strategy are:
- to ensure public participation in the implementation of the WFD in the Danube River Basin
- to facilitate the establishment of effective structures and mechanisms for public participation in the Danube River Basin
- to provide guidance to national governments on how to comply with their obligations under the WFD
- to inform key stakeholders about the structures for public participation and public involvement at the various levels.
How to become an observer?
If your organisation has a basin-wide interest in water management in the Danube River Basin and would like to join the ICPDR family, please do get in touch with the ICPDR Secretariat. Guiding documents can be found below.