15th Ordinary Meeting in Vienna
Vienna, 11 - 12 December 2012. The ICPDR has held its 15th Ordinary Meeting in Vienna. At this plenary meeting of the commission, important decisions were made. Here you find a photo gallery showing some of the highlights.

The 15th Ordinary Meeting was held at the Festsaal (Congegation Hall) of the Technical University of Vienna. Chaired by ICPDR President Wolfgang Stalzer, the “OM” dealt with ongoing work on a diverse range of issues, including climate adaptation, hydropower, flood management, mapping and modeling, public participation and directions for future activities.
The meeting was attended by delegations from all 15 ICPDR contracting parties, as well as delegates from observers. In addition, a number of guests from other river commissions, academia and NGOs were welcomed. Below, you can find photos with impressions from the meeting (copyright ICPDR/Schedl).