The Tisza Basin has been subject to significant anthropogenic impacts that have resulted in a degraded system, particularly in terms of pollution and the loss of floodplains and wetlands. The present project is focusing on the development of strategies and implementation of demo project to test the multiple environmental benefits of wetlands to mitigate impacts of floods/droughts and help to reduce nutrient pollution.

Project title
Integrating multiple benefits of wetlands and floodplains into improved transboundary management for the Tisza River Basin
Summary of the project
The MSP will implement two key components resulting in the following expected outcomes (1); the adoption of policies and legislation (zoning, land use, etc.) within the countries of the Tisza River Basin that promote the optimal use of wetlands / floodplains and other habitat for flood mitigation, nutrient retention, biodiversity enhancement and social amenity value consistent with the EU WFD and IWRM; and (2); demonstrations of effective floodplain management strategies including the adaptation to increased flood events as a consequence of fluctuating flow regime for, nutrient retention, habitat restoration, and flood management implemented at local level. These outcomes and project outputs of actual hectares of wetlands reconnected/restored/conserved will encourage the replication of these GEF-funded pilots as new approaches on the use of wetlands with their multiple environmental benefits throughout the region and with potential for global dissemination.
The MSP has two main objectives; (1) to integrate water quality, water quantity, land use, and biodiversity objectives within integrated water resources/river basin management (IWRM/RBM) under the legal umbrella of the EU and ICPDR, and; (2) to begin implementation of IWRM principles through the testing of new approaches on wetland and floodplain management through community-based demonstration. The community-level pilot activities will link to the development and implementation of an agreed river basin management plan following the principles of IWRM and tested at the regional/local level under the governance arrangements established for management of the Tisza River Basin. The integration of water quality and quantity management is considered to be a significantly innovative approach in the basin and the results of this will be utilised elsewhere in the Danube River Basin through catalytic policies and actions of the ICPDR.
Activities of the project
The Baseline activities of this MSP (funded by the Tisza River Governments, European Union and ICPDR ) include:
- Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive;
- Developing flood and drought management strategies;
- The development of a river basin management plan
The GEF Incremental cost activities (including activities funded UNDP) include:
- The implementation of pilot projects on wetlands and floodplain restoration and protection to deliver multiple benefits across GEF focal areas (including flood mitigation, nutrient retention, biodiversity enhancement, etc.) supporting the mainstreaming of this approach into national policy promoting floodplains protection for a wide range of uses.
- Involvement of local communities in delivering multiple benefits towards integrated land and water management
- The integration of water quality, water quantity, land use, and biodiversity objectives within integrated water resources/river basin management under the legal umbrella of the EU and ICPDR to ensure sustainability;
- The development of a replication strategy for elsewhere in the region and globally.
- Promoting the benefits of involvement of a wide range of ministries/sectors in the protection and maintenance of the environment through active participation of inter-ministerial committees.
- Catalyzing development of the Tisza Group’s new integrated mission at operational level under an effective functioning of a sustainable regional institution for management of the Tisza River Basin under the authority of the ICPDR’s process of implementing integrated management plans in sub-basins.
Activities related to Component 1
Integration of water quality, water quantity, land use, and biodiversity objectives within integrated water resources/river basin management under the legal umbrella of the EU and ICPDR
- Activity 1(i) – Development of strategies for reducing pollution in the Tisza River Basin
- Activity 1(ii) – Development of a flood and drought mitigation strategy
- Activity 1(iii) – Combination of Tisza River Basin Strategies into an Integrated River Basin Management Plan
- Activity 1(iv) – Dissemination and replication strategy for Component 1
Activities related to Component 2
Implementation of IWRM principles through the testing of new approaches on wetland and floodplain management through community-based demonstration
- Activity 2(i) – Identification of potential demonstration projects
- Activity 2(ii) – Agreement via stakeholder workshop on priority projects to be implemented
- Activity 2(iii) – Implementation of demonstration projects
- Activity 2(iv) – Feedback and presentation of results – final stakeholder workshop
- Activity 2(v) – Development of a replication strategy for Component 2
For the initiative of Ukraine Ministers of the Tisza River Basin will meet
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine and ICPDR with the contribution from the UNDP/GEF Tisza project are organizing the Tisza Ministerial Meeting, which will be held in Uzhgorod, Ukraine in April 2011. In the frame of the Tisza Ministerial Meeting the Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan will be adopted and discussion will be take place on key results that have been achieved to date in improving Tisza water quality and management as well as exploring common approaches towards integrated water resource management in the Tisza River Basin. Particular attention will be given to strategies for nutrient reduction, improvement of waste management, integration on land use and water management and reduction on accident risk.
Final Stakeholder meeting of the UNDP/GEF Tisza project
Back to back with the Tisza Ministerial Meeting and the 16th Tisza Group meeting the Final Stakeholder meeting of the UNDP/GEF Tisza project will be organized between 12 April – 13 April in Uzhgorod, Ukraine. The Final Stakeholder meeting of the UNDP/GEF Tisza project aiming to present the achievements of the project to national and regional policy makers and other stakeholders. The expectation is to assist in identifying that means to sustain and further replicate the lessons and experiences from the work of UNDP/GEF Tisza Project and to assist the future work of the Tisza Group and other co-operating bodies.
Consultation process on the draft Integrated Tisza River Management Plan concluded!
Until 20 August 2010, the draft Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan was available for commenting.
The comments and feedback received will now be evaluated and included in the final Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan.
The final document was approved by the ICPDR in December 2010.
Regional Integration Workshops of the Demonstration Projects
In June 2010 three Integration workshops were organized in three countries: "Integrated Land Development Project workshop" in Nagykörü, Hungary, 14-15 June 2010; "Upper Tisza Project workshop" in Solotvino, Ukraine, 24-26 June 2010; and "Bodrog Project workshop" in Zemplinska Sirava, Slovakia, 29-30 June 2010. The three events were aiming to strengthen the understanding of linkages between the developing Integrated Tisza River Mangement Plan and the demonstration projects and facilitated discussion between the different stakeholder groups, sectors and different areas of expertises.
For more details please visit the websites of the demonstration projects.
Make your stake by August 20, 2010! The draft plan on the integrated river basin management on the Tisza River Basin is ready!
After several years of planning the draft plan on the integrated river basin managment on the Tisza River Basin - shared by Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania and Ukraine- is ready! We invite you to make your stake!
Provide your comments in written by August 20, 2010 to the vpcqe@haivraan.betgro.anneivnu@rdpci
Integrating Land and Water Management in the Tisza River Basin, 26 - 27 April 2010, Szolnok, Hungary
Hungary, the ICPDR, UNDP-GEF and EC, DG ENV-D.1 had jointly organized a workshop on "Integrating land and water management to reduce impacts of floods and droughts on water status in the Tisza River Basin District" on 26 – 27 April 2010 in Szolnok, Hungary. If interested, please visit the webpage of the workshop (see Related Links).
ICPDR Ministerial Meeting, 16 February 2010, Vienna, Austria
On the 16th February in Vienna ministers and high-level representatives responsible for water management from the Danube River Basin countries joined and discussed about the achievements and future needs/actions related to the Danube River Basin. In the frame of the high level Ministerial meeting - hosted by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)- Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Commission have endorsed the ‘Danube Declaration’. In addition, ministers and high-level representatives from Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine adopted the `Ministerial Statement towards the development and implementation of a River Basin Management Plan for the Tisza River Basin’. The related documents can be downloaded from below.
1st UNDP/GEF Tisza MSP Stakeholder meeting in November 2009
On 13th November 2009 the 1st UNDP/GEF Tisza MSP Stakeholder meeting was organised with the support of the UNDP. The purpose of this workshop was to highlight the activities underway in three demonstration projects across the Tisza River Basin that are addressing the management of water quality and quantity. These demonstration projects would provide valuable ideas to the development of an Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan that is currently the focus of the ICPDR Tisza Group.
The presentations of the Stakeholder meeting can be downloaded from below.