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Displaying 1 - 10 of 22 results found
  • News & Media

    Slovenia's Flood Forecasting Success: Minimizing Casualties Through Effective Warning Systems

    In the wake of what has been declared the nation's 'worst-ever natural disaster,’ more than 70% of Slovenia's territory, predominantly situated in the Danube River Basin, has been severely affected by extreme flooding. The scale of this catastrophe has led to billions of Euros in damages and a tragic loss of lives.

  • News & Media

    Severe Droughts in the Danube River Basin

    As the climate crisis worsens, severe droughts devastate European landscapes. According to the data published by the European Drought Observatory, more than 60% of land in the European Union and United Kingdom – an area nearly the same size as India (!) – is now affected by drought conditions. The Danube River Basin and the Danube itself have been affected by serious droughts in the past, e.g., in 2003, 2015, and now again one of the most feared natural phenomenon has gripped much of the Danube River Basin.

  • Publications

    Danube Watch 3/2021 - WACOM: Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin

  • Legal Documents

    Danube Declaration 2022 (551.84 KB)

    Adopted at the ICPDR Ministerial Meeting on 8 February 2022. A Vision for Integrated Water Management in Our Shared Basin: Building a Sustainable Future in the Danube River Basin
  • Publications

    Report on the Ice Event 2017 in the Danube River Basin (6.97 MB)

    Freezing weather conditions in the winter months have been a fact of life on the Danube since time immemorial, but the months of January and February 2017 saw many countries in the Danube Basin and...
  • Publications

    ICPDR Releases "Ice Report 2017"

    Freezing weather conditions in the winter months have been a fact of life on the Danube since time immemorial, but the months of January and February 2017 saw many countries in the Danube Basin and its tributaries facing an especially bleak situation.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR releases Report on the 2015 droughts in the Danube River Basin

    In 2015 significant parts of the Danube River Basin were affected by droughts which negatively impacted different water-dependent economic sectors, vegetation and the aquatic environment. This is the latest of a series of drought events which occurred in Europe during the last decade.

  • Publications

    The 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin (1.94 MB)

    In 2015 significant parts of the Danube River Basin were affected by droughts which negatively impacted different water-dependent economic sectors, vegetation and the aquatic environment. This is the...
  • News & Media

    Solutions for a frozen river: cross border ice control on the Danube

    Ice control has a long history on the Danube river. The extremely low temperatures experienced in the past weeks throughout the Danube River basin which have been causing continuous ice formation on the Danube are reminding us of the importance of cross-border cooperation.

  • Publications

    Annex to the report "The 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin" (2.7 MB)

    The Annex includes the “Questionnaire on the 2015 Droughts in the Danube River Basin” completed by thirteen Danube countries (AT, BA, BG, CZ, DE, HR, HU, MD, RO, RS, SI, SK and UA) including...