Search Results

Displaying 1 - 10 of 153 results found
  • Maps & Data

    ICPDR Launches Danube Hydrological Information System

    The newly launched Danube Hydrological Information System (DanubeHIS) offers near real-time and validated long-term hydrological and meteorological data for the entire Danube basin. This system is instrumental in enhancing flood risk management and supporting water-related scientific research. Explore this valuable resource and its near real-time data capabilities to better understand and manage the complexities of the Danube basin.

  • News & Media

    Successful Biannual Danube Forecasting Forum (DAFF) Enhances Flood Forecasting

    On October 10th and 11th, the much-anticipated biannual Danube Forecasting Forum (DAFF) took place in Budapest, Hungary. Organized in collaboration with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the EU Joint Research Center (EU JRC), this event brought together stakeholders from the 13 countries along the Danube and members of the Danube Youth Council (DYC) under EUSDR PA5.

  • News & Media

    Slovenia's Flood Forecasting Success: Minimizing Casualties Through Effective Warning Systems

    In the wake of what has been declared the nation's 'worst-ever natural disaster,’ more than 70% of Slovenia's territory, predominantly situated in the Danube River Basin, has been severely affected by extreme flooding. The scale of this catastrophe has led to billions of Euros in damages and a tragic loss of lives.

  • Content pages

    Flood Hazard and Risk Maps

    According to Floods Directive, the Member States shall, at the level of the river basin district or unit of management, prepare flood hazard maps and flood risk maps at the most appropriate scale for the areas identified under Article 5(1).

  • Content pages

    Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)

    In accordance with Article 4 of the FD, the first milestone in the FD basin-wide implementation is undertaking a preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA), as well as identifying those areas for which it has been concluded that potential significant flood risks exist or might be considered likely to occur (so-called Areas of Potential Significant Flood Risk (APSFR)) as in accordance with FD Article 5.

  • Content pages

    Receiving Sea: Black Sea

    The Danube River flows into the Black Sea at the Danube Delta, making the Black Sea the receiving sea for the Danube's water. A receiving sea refers to the body of water into which a river or other watercourse empties its flow. In this context, the Black Sea serves as the final destination for the waters of the Danube River.

  • Legal Documents

    Summary of the Danube Declaration 2022 (523.11 KB)

    The 2022 Danube Declaration addresses issues with crossing the border along the Danube river, including environmental problems and the risk of flooding. It follows the rules set by the EU Water...
  • Publications

    Danube Watch 3/2021 - Danube Flood Risk Management Plan

  • Publications

    Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) Update 2021

    On this page you can download the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) Update 2021 and all its annexes and maps. Additionally, a brochure comprises a digested and simplified version of the plan, highlighting the most important aims and visions for the future laid out in these important documents. The main document and brochure are available in both high and low resolution versions.

  • Publications

    Danube Flood Risk Management Plan – Update 2021 (High Resolution) (77.52 MB)

    This Flood Risk Management Plan for the Danube River Basin District, further referred to as the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan (DFRMP) Update 2021, is based on information received from the ICPDR...