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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results found
  • Maps & Data

    Danube River Basin Overview Map

    With a total area of over 800,000 km², the Danube River Basin covers 10% of Continental Europe. While the main river flows through ten countries, the full basin including its tributaries covers nine more. It is a unique artery through the heart of Europe, connecting East to West, and Black Forest to Black Sea.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR President on World Water Day: proper wastewater management reduces adverse impacts on waters in the basin

    Vienna, 20 March 2017 - Wastewater from homes, cities, industry and agriculture flowing back to nature without being treated or reused pollutes the environment in many regions. Without proper wastewater treatment we are losing valuable nutrients and releasing dangerous substances. Beside significant threats to human health, the impact on water resources and ecosystems is tremendous.

  • News & Media

    ICPDR releases Report on the 2015 droughts in the Danube River Basin

    In 2015 significant parts of the Danube River Basin were affected by droughts which negatively impacted different water-dependent economic sectors, vegetation and the aquatic environment. This is the latest of a series of drought events which occurred in Europe during the last decade.