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Displaying 1 - 10 of 110 results found
  • Maps & Data

    ICPDR Launches Danube Hydrological Information System

    The newly launched Danube Hydrological Information System (DanubeHIS) offers near real-time and validated long-term hydrological and meteorological data for the entire Danube basin. This system is instrumental in enhancing flood risk management and supporting water-related scientific research. Explore this valuable resource and its near real-time data capabilities to better understand and manage the complexities of the Danube basin.

  • Maps & Data

    DRBM Plan Maps (25.36 MB)

    complete set, 31 maps
  • Publications

    DRBM Plan Annexes (5.02 MB)

    complete set, 426 pages
  • Publications

    Danube River Basin Management Plan (8.44 MB)

  • Content pages


    Montenegro, literally meaning the “black mountain”, is a small upland country. Just over half of its territory lies within the Danube River Basin, the remainder being in the Adriatic Sea catchment. Notable Danube rivers are the Tara, Piva, Lim and Ćehotina and the Ibar. In October 2008, the Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River came into force in Montenegro.

  • Presentations of the 1st Stakeholder meeting of the UNDP/GEF Tisza MSP (19.9 MB)

  • News & Media

    International Black Sea Action Day

    Samsun, 30 October 2009. International Black Sea Action Day will be celebrated on October 30-31 in Samsun, Turkey, with activities jointly organized by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forest and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission). Within this context, a two-day workshop is being organized where the threats facing the sea, efforts to cope with these threats in various fields and the current situation of the Black Sea will be discussed.


  • Winner Art 2009 (962.3 KB)

    Vasyl Vataman is the winner of the 2009 International Danube Art Master. His work entitled “Water Gives Life” is a miniaturist recreation of the Danube ecosystem, and presents the strip of the a...
  • News & Media

    Ukrainian Teenager is Danube Art Master 2009

    Vienna, 29 September 2009. 15 year-old Vasyl Vataman from Ukraine has won the International Danube Art Master 2009 Competition. The winning submission was created shows a miniaturist recreation of the Danube ecosystem, presents the strip of the Danube that is familiar to the artist: his village cut in half by the river with its particular features like a wooden bridge, fountain, a small house and roads.