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    Welcome to a milestone celebration!

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    ICPDR Framework

    The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) is an International Organisation consisting of 14 cooperating states and the European Union. Since its establishment in 1998, the ICPDR has grown into one of the largest and most active international bodies of river basin management expertise in Europe.

    Given the complexity of the Danube River Basin, including many countries with widely differing economic and environmental management needs, one overall framework was required to sustainably manage the basin. In 2000, the ICPDR contracting parties nominated the ICPDR as the platform for the implementation of all transboundary aspects of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD is a holistic legal and policy framework, based on transboundary cooperation in basins, seen by many as the strongest water protection legislation in the world. The ICPDR received a similar mandate in 2009 to support the coordination of the implementation of the EU Floods Directive. In its work to implement the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the EU’s Floods Directive (FD), the ICPDR and its partners have developed a truly integrated approach to the management of the river basin and its resources.

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    Task Groups

    Task Groups (TGs) comprise national experts from ICPDR Contracting Parties and representatives of observer organizations. More topical than the Expert Groups of the ICPDR, Task Groups report to the Expert Groups and thereby make valuable contributions to the work of the ICPDR.

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    ICPDR Presidency

    In the most international river basin in the world, Danube leaders recognize that they hold the future of the basin’s waters in their hands. The ICPDR is a worldwide model for cooperation in river basin management, and the role of the Danube countries as guardians of the precious resources of the river basin is always at the heart of the ICPDR’s work.

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    Keeper of the Danube

    Welcome to the ICPDR! With more than 800,000 square kilometers, the Danube River Basin extends into the territories of 19 countries, and covers 10% of Continental Europe it is considered the most international river basin in the World!

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    ad hoc Strategic Expert Group

    The ad hoc Strategic Expert Group (ad hoc S EG) addresses administrative and legal matters arising from the implementation of the Danube River Protection Convention.

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    Accident Prevention & Control Expert Group

    The Accident Prevention & Control Expert Group (APC EG) deals with ICPDR activities concerning the prevention and management of accidental pollution.

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    Flood Protection Expert Group

    The Flood Protection Expert Group (FP EG) deals with ICPDR activities concerning sustainable flood risk management and the development and implementation of the Danube River Basin Flood Risk Management Plan.

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    Information Management & GIS Expert Group

    The Information Management and Geographical Information System Expert Group (IMGIS EG) deals with activities related to data collection and maps.