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    Receiving Sea: Black Sea

    The Danube River flows into the Black Sea at the Danube Delta, making the Black Sea the receiving sea for the Danube's water. A receiving sea refers to the body of water into which a river or other watercourse empties its flow. In this context, the Black Sea serves as the final destination for the waters of the Danube River.

  • Publications

    Looking into the future of the Black Sea

  • Publications

    Recovery is on the horizon for the Black Sea

    ICPDR Danube Watch: Searching for heavy metals behind the Iron Gates

  • Publications

    DABLAS II Report (2.79 MB)

    Evaluation of Policies, Regulation, and Investment Projects Implemented in the Danube River Basin Countries in Line with EU Directives and Regulations
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    daNUbs - Nutrient Management in the Danube River Basin

    daNUbs was a mulitnational EU research project carried out under the leadership of the Technical University of Vienna. The results from this project include estimates of nutrient inputs into the river network (MONERIS), as well as an assessment of the loads of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica transported via the river network. These results indicate that the nutrient status in the Black Sea has significantly improved since the 1980s.

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    The DABLAS (Danube - Black Sea) Task Force is a successful example of providing a platform between International Funding Institutions, donors and beneficiaries to support cooperation and to leverage investment projects for the protection of water and water-related ecosystems of the Danube and Black Sea.

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    Black Sea Trend - Ecological Trend in the Western Black Sea

    The ecological state of the coastal waters of the Western Black Sea has improved significantly since the late 1980s and early 1990s. These improvements are based on reduced nutrient inputs which have led to reduced eutrophication and fewer algal blooms, ecovery of animal populations on the seaflor and an improved regeneration of macrophytes.

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    Black Sea Commission

    The Black Sea Commission is an intergovernmental organisation responsible for the implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution, and sets the legal framework required for regional cooperation and the activities necessary to reduce pollution and enhance the protection of the marine environment.