News & Media

Displaying 11 - 20 of 21 items
  • News & Media

    2018 Interim Report on the Implementation of the Joint Programme of Measures in the Danube River Basin

    The ICPDR has released a 23-page Interim Report on the implementation of its ‘Joint Program of Measures in the Danube River Basin’. The brochure is both a snapshot of the progress being made, and a look at the future of the ICPDR’s three main aims: to make Danube waters “cleaner”, “healthier”, and “safer”. It’s also the first such publication by the ICPDR to take on a new design-focused look, deploying more images and a clearer language in a public-friendly format.

  • News & Media 9 April 2019

    (Press Release) KLADOVO, 9 April 2019 - EU Project We Pass Kicked Off at the Iron Gates

    On Tuesday 9 April 2019, the EU project We Pass – facilitating fish migration and conservation at the Iron Gates – was kicked-off in the Hotel Aquastar, Kladovo (Serbia).

  • News & Media

    (Press Release) VIENNA, 22 March 2019 – This World Water Day, the ICPDR is putting the spotlight on water availability

    In 2019, World Water Day is focusing on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6: “water for all by 2030”.

  • News & Media

    Hungary takes over ICPDR Presidency for 2019 from Germany

    (Press Release) VIENNA, 31 January – Residence of His Excellency the Ambassador of Germany to The Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations Vienna and to other International Organizations. As Hungary takes over the annual Presidency of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) today, incoming President Péter Kovács has set the main priorities for his term: finding ways to support the activities of the ICPDR, strengthening water security in the Danube Basin, implementing the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Flood Directive (FD), as well as further strengthening the integrated approach of ICPDR and the basin-wide exchange of experiences.

  • News & Media

    International Black Sea Action Day

    Samsun, 30 October 2009. International Black Sea Action Day will be celebrated on October 30-31 in Samsun, Turkey, with activities jointly organized by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forest and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission). Within this context, a two-day workshop is being organized where the threats facing the sea, efforts to cope with these threats in various fields and the current situation of the Black Sea will be discussed.

  • News & Media

    Ukrainian Teenager is Danube Art Master 2009

    Vienna, 29 September 2009. 15 year-old Vasyl Vataman from Ukraine has won the International Danube Art Master 2009 Competition. The winning submission was created shows a miniaturist recreation of the Danube ecosystem, presents the strip of the Danube that is familiar to the artist: his village cut in half by the river with its particular features like a wooden bridge, fountain, a small house and roads.

  • News & Media

    EU Platina Project - Platform for the Implementation of NAIADES

    The European Commission launched the PLATINA project to implement efficiently actions and measures promoting inland waterway transport. The project brought together 22 partners from 9 European countries and aimed to serve as a platform for helping to implement the European inland navigation programme NAIADES.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2009: Shared Water - Joint Responsibility

    Danube Basin, 26 June 2009. The joint responsibility for the river’s water and resources by all countries and communities is the focus of the 6th Danube Day on 29 June. The highlight is the ICPDR Stakeholder Forum, which will be held on 29-30 June in Bratislava.
    Interested stakeholders from sectors including agriculture, industry and environmental organizations will discuss the draft Danube River Basin Management Plan.

  • News & Media 27 January 2009

    Press Release 2009-01-27 (slovak) (126.46 KB)

    Slovensko preberá predsedníctvo v Medzinárodnej komisii pre ochranu Dunaja (ICPDR)
  • News & Media 27 January 2009

    Press Release 2009-01-27 (english) (103.78 KB)

    Slovakia Takes over Presidency of International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR)