
This page lists all news items that were published on the front page. For further information on any of these news items, please contact the ICPDR Secretariat.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 items
  • News & Media

    Management Plans for the Danube River Basin published

    Vienna, 16 December 2015. Defining the water management priorities for the Danube Basin until 2021, the ICPDR has published the Danube River Basin Management Plan Update 2015 and the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Danube River Basin today.

  • News & Media 24 September 2015

    Bosnia and Herzegovina is international “Danube Art Master 2015”

    Bratislava/Sarajevo, 21 September 2015. Iman Maljić from Bosnia and Herzegovina has won the “International Danube Art Master 2015” competition. The winning art work “Black Swan” was chosen from over 600 submissions.

  • News & Media 23 July 2015

    Public consultation concludes with strong feedback

    Danube Basin, 23 July 2015. For over six months, stakeholders of the Danube were called to share their views on the draft management plans for the Danube River Basin. As of 22 July, the public consultation phase convened with strong feedback received through different channels.

  • News & Media 3 July 2015

    Voice of the Danube: Stakeholders have expressed their views

    Zagreb, 3 July 2015. Today, the ICPDR Stakeholder Conference “Voice of the Danube” has convened in the Croatian capital. Over 80 stakeholders from a broad range of backgrounds stood the heat and expressed their views on the draft management plans for the Danube River.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2015: Get active!

    Danube Basin, 29 June 2015. Tens of thousands of people are joining in to celebrate Danube Day 2015 in the spirit of "Get active!". A cheerful occasion that highlights by how much the health of rivers in the Danube Basin has improved in the past 20 years.

  • News & Media 5 June 2015

    Danube Management Plans: Have a say!

    Zagreb, 3 June 2015. The intense phase of public consultation on the Danube River Basin Management Plan Update 2015 and the 1st Flood Risk Management Plan for the DRB has started.

  • News & Media 6 May 2015

    Stakeholder Workshop registration - last places

    Danube Basin, 6 May 2015. The ICPDR Stakeholder Consultation Workshop will take place in Zagreb (Croatia) on 2/3 July 2015. Registration has officially ended, but there are still places available - register here.

  • News & Media

    Ukrainian Teenager is Danube Art Master 2009

    Vienna, 29 September 2009. 15 year-old Vasyl Vataman from Ukraine has won the International Danube Art Master 2009 Competition. The winning submission was created shows a miniaturist recreation of the Danube ecosystem, presents the strip of the Danube that is familiar to the artist: his village cut in half by the river with its particular features like a wooden bridge, fountain, a small house and roads.

  • News & Media

    Danube Day 2009: Shared Water - Joint Responsibility

    Danube Basin, 26 June 2009. The joint responsibility for the river’s water and resources by all countries and communities is the focus of the 6th Danube Day on 29 June. The highlight is the ICPDR Stakeholder Forum, which will be held on 29-30 June in Bratislava.
    Interested stakeholders from sectors including agriculture, industry and environmental organizations will discuss the draft Danube River Basin Management Plan.